Commercial cover, in back Indian 2 ½d Victoria tied squared circle BUSHIRE on 25 JU 1903, sent to India, arrival Bombay; minor faults More pictures: a
CZK 2400 +10%
Small cover, on back 5ch Lion orangeyellow (issue of 1897 ?) tied DJAHROM. Scarce
CZK 500 +10%
PSE 5ch Nasredin #1 (issue 1877) tied KERMANCHAH 19.7. Superb More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 1260
PSE 12ch Lion red tied SULTANABAD, transit Teheran, sent to Tillburg Netherlands. Commercial, faults More pictures: a
CZK 700 +10%
PSE 12ch Lion red tied KERMANSHAH on 27.5., on back upr 2* 2ch Lion, Reg domestically, arrival Sultanabad
Prodáno CZK 1500
PSE 12ch Lion red upr 8ch tied TEHERAN 19.1., large boxed "R", Reg to Baghdad. Backflap missing More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 1260
PSE 1Kr Lion violet upr 1ch tied CHIRAZ, Reg internally, arrival Teheran More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 1500
PS wrapper 3ch Lion & controll hds, posted at KUM, sent domestically; superb
CZK 1300 +10%
PS card 2ch Shah brown, SENNEH 23.9., arrival Teheran, long message More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 500
PS card 5ch Shah bred upr 12ch Lion, tied TEHERAN on 12 DEC 1901, commercial to Swiss, boxed Reg hds, transit Baku, Teheran Depart & arrival Zürich on back More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 2500
Reply half of PS card 5ch Shah with overprint below, red upr 1ch (stamp missing), TEHERAN 22.7.1905, sent to Netherlands More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 760
PS card 5ch Shah handstamped, upr 3+10ch Lion, Reg to Kermanshah, long message More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 2000
Pictorial PS card 5ch (violet Control hds); on back 4 windows, light blue) upr by 12ch Lion, Reg from TEHERAN on 4.12.1899, sent to Austria, arrival Wien 1.1.1900 alongside. Great item
CZK 3800 +10%
Pictorial PS card 3ch violet surcharge on 5ch (on back Carpets weaving, Sultanabad) posted at TEHERAN on 9.2.1907, sent to Belgium, Anvers arrival alongside
CZK 1800 +10%
Unusual PPC "Enzely, Housing of Consul of Russia during his summer stay", 6+2ch Arms (without "Controle" hds, late usage) posted at RECHT on 29 MAI 1908, sent to Graz, Austria. Superb item
Prodáno CZK 1000
PS card 12Ch surcharge on 5ch tied TEHERAN , sent to USA. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 1800 +10%
Commercial reply cover, 2* 10ch Shah overprinted CONTROLE 1922 tied ISFAHAN No. 2 on 20.9.1923, on back transit Bouchir More pictures: a
Domestically airmail: Cover, on back 3+5ch Airmail ovpts + 6ch Portrait, TEHERAN BAZAR to Bouchir More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 400
Airmail cover to India, on back 1Kr Airmail & 3* 5ch Airmail ovpts & 3* 6ch Portrait, posted at BUCHIR 12.2.1931, arrival Karachi. Central bend, faults, attractive item More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 400
PS card 90Din Reza Shah Pahlavi red, PERSE overprinted L´IRAN, posted at TEHERAN on 22.2.1937, via USSR to Germany. Superb, long message
CZK 800 +10%
Reg cover, 2* 1.50R Reza Pahlavi tied FIROUZ-KOUH, Reg hds, sent to Austria to known Anton Seitz, arrival Wien 11.9.1940; German OKW censor More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 1060
PS card 90D Reza Shah Pahlavi red (L´IRAN), posted at TEHERAN on 14.6.1940, sent to USA. Scarce
CZK 600 +10%
Reg Airmail to USA, on back 4* 1.50R + 10R Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, TEHERAN 29.4.1944, transit Baghdad , NY & arrival Cleveland. Anglo-Soviet-Persian Censorship #9 More pictures: a
Prodáno CZK 350
PS card 1.50R Reza Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, MECHED 26.9.1950, sent to USA. Scarce