Occupation of Brunei: Mixed 1-50c Native Boat of Brunei handstamped (7 values) & 4+8c North Borneo occupation tied 30.8.2605, sent to Kuching. High value stamps
CZK 5000
Occupation of Sarawak: Single 30c Brooke handstamped S. N16 tied?.3.2605, sent to Miri, censored
CZK 5000
Occupation of Burma: Small cover, 5c Farmer Plowing tied 25 JLY 1943, arrival Veiktala; faults, sold as is More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Occupation of Burma: Vintage small cover, 10c Shan Woman Surcharged Sc. 2N62; faults, sold as is
CZK 1400
Occupation of Burma: Hand made cover, 10c Shan Woman Surcharged Sc. 2N62; MYAUNGMY 27 MAR
CZK 1200
Occupation of Burma: Small cover, 2c & 2* 3c Farmer Plowing on back, unclear hds; one stamp probably missing, sold as is
CZK 1000
Occupation of Burma: Overprinted Indian PSE sealed 5c Elephant Carrying Teak upr meter stamp, tied OTKWIN 31 AUG
CZK 1400
Occupation of Burma: Small cover, single 5c Arms Sc. 2N29 tied TWANTE15 FE 1943, sent to Rangoon
CZK 600
Occupation of Burma: Overprinted Indian PSE upr 5c Elephant Carrying Teak & meter stamp, tied RANGOON 21 JLY, arrival Experimental P.O. 22 JL"Y/ R-516 on back More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Occupation of Burma: Message half of Revalued ½A PS card on 9Ps George VI green, overprinted, posted at INSEIN on 2 JAN 1945, sent locally & arrival 2 JAN, on back without message
CZK 900
Occupation of Burma: Compl reply PS card ½ A George green (revalued 9Ps of Burma), overprinted, ** More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Reg cover, 3+10Sn Chrysanthemum tied TOKIO on 2 MAY 1904, sent from Austrian Embassy in Tokio, sent via General Consulate in China to Commando of Austrian War ship S.M.S. KAISERIN ELISABETH, arrival SHANGHAI I.J.P.O. 10 MAY on back. Great item with faults More pictures: a
CZK 5000
Austria: Incoming PPC from Japan, short paid 1 ½ Sn Chrysanthemum tied TSURUGA 2.10.1913, "T" marking, taxed 1+2H Postage Due stamps, in Wien. Superb More pictures: a
CZK 360
Missionary letter from China: Early item, single 5Sn Koban tied NAGASAKI on 24 APR 1896, on small cover sent to USA; transit Yokohama & NY, arrival New Haven, Conn on back. Including full writing dated PAOTINGFU on 8 APR 1896, long writing on 8 pages More pictures: a - b
CZK 1500
Missionary letter from China: Single 5Sn Koban/ Japan tied TIENTSIN I.J.P.O. on 5 OCT 1896, on small cover sent to USA; transit Shanghai, Yokohama & Tacoma Wash., arrival New Haven, Conn on back. Including full writing dated 4.10., long writing on 8 pages; some faults as usual More pictures: a - b
CZK 1500
Missionary letter from China: Great multi 4* 5Sn Koban/ Japan tied SHANGHAI I.J.P.O. on 21 AUG 1898, on small cover sent to USA; posted at TIENTSIN on 19 AUG, on back transit Shanghai/ Dollar Chop, Yokohama & arrival NY; sent to New Haven, Conn. Including full contents, long writing in Chinese written phonetically dated PAOTINGFU on August 5, 1898, with an English translation. Scarce item with some faults More pictures: a - b
CZK 5000
Occupation of China:: PPC Peking/ Western Tombs, 1 ½Sn Tazawa tied PEKING I.J.P.O. on 6.5.16
CZK 800
Ship post: Chinese PS card 2c Junk tied Japanese machine pmk SHIMONOSEKI PAQUEBOT in 1930, sent to Japan, Irihan City. Seldom seen More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Occupation of Kedah: FDC 2* 1c & 2+4c DAI NIPPON 2602 ovpts tied ALOR STAR on 13.5.2602 (= 1942), censor hds, sent locally; seldom seen More pictures: a
CZK 4000
Occupation of Malaya: PS card 4Sn Tin Dredging upr 4Sn & 6c Negri Sembilan Stamp ovpt DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA front & 2* 8c Rice Planting Sc. N42 on back, tied spec hds MALACCA. Attract FDC More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Occupation of Perak: Small cover, 4* 2c Sultan Iskandar Overprinted "DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA", tied SEREMBAN on 9.16.2602, sent to Katong, censored. Minor faults More pictures: a
CZK 1400
Occupation of Malaya/ North District: PS card 4c Cherry Blossom & Anchor, thick brownish paper & large digitals 4 CENTS, **, minor spots
CZK 1100
Occupation of Malaya/ North District: PS card 4c Cherry Blossom & Anchor, thick grey paper & lower digitals 4 CENTS, **
CZK 1100
Occupation of Malaya/ North District: PS card large 4c Cherry Blossom & Anchor, thin brownish paper & large digitals 4 CENTS, **
CZK 1400
Occupation of Malaya: Reg PSE 15c George VI overprinted, MNH