Stampless folded letter (1859), oval LYALLRENNIEY CALCUTTA, boxed India Unpaid, on back red Ex Calcutta 22 OC 1959, TPO Toulouse a Bordeaux, arrival Bordeaux. Full contents. Tax 8c More pictures: a - b
CZK 700
PSE ½ A Victoria upr 9p front & 3* 1A + ½ A on back, INDORE CITY 23 DE 1889, REG hds, arrival Bombay
CZK 800
OHMS cover, 2* 2A & 1A OHMS tied squared circle CHOURINGHI on 29 SE 1891, sent to France, red AUSTRAL E.V. (?); on back SEE POST OFFICE "B" & Lyon arrival. Unusual item with faults, sold as is
CZK 600
Small cover, 2* ½ A Victoria tied WELLINGTON BOMBAY 27 OCT 1887, addressed to His Excellence Lord Reay, Governor of Bombay in Mahabaleshwar. Arms of Royal Yach Club on back More pictures: a
Small PSE ½ A Victoria tied squared circle KATRA ALLAHABAD on 5 JU 1891, arrival Calcutta
CZK 360
OHMS PS card 1 ½ A Victoria BENARES on 18.11.1884 sent to France, transit Bombay, SEA POST OFFICE B, arrival Paris; minor fault More pictures: a
CZK 440
PS card ONE ANNA surcharge on 1 ½ A Victoria blue tied DARJEELING on 1 MAR 1896, SEA POST OFFICE "B", sent to Austria/ Moravia, arrival Iglau. Unusual destination More pictures: a
CZK 500
Official PS card ¼A (Asch #7a, issue of 1899) printing error "senders" instead "sender" (in 3rd row); posted at RAJPURA on 18 AUG 1903, arrival DEHRA-DUN alongsige; on back firm´s imprint "Oudh & Rohilkhand Railway", scarce item. Attached is standard card, the correct text "sender", for comparison More pictures: a - b
CZK 700
PS card 1d Queen tied CUDDAPAH on 27 JL 1899, sent from Vallore to Greece; SEA POST OFFICE "B", transit Suez & arrival SYROS on back. Unusual destination
CZK 500
Pakistan: PS card 1 ½d Queen tied LAHORE on 9 MAR 1889, sent to Czechia; transit Bombay, SEA POST OFFICE "F" & arrival Gablonz a.d.Neisse. Unusual destination More pictures: a
CZK 500
Small cover, ½A Edwartd on back tied BUPAIDIHA BAHRAICH on 5 SE 1912, arrival NEPAL 8 SEP 1912, early British hds. Scarce item, some faults More pictures: a
CZK 450
Pakistan interim: Commercial cover, ½ A + 2* 1A George V on back tied KARACHI on 22 OC 1915, sent to Persian Gulf, arrival Mohammera (= today Iran), green British censor tape & boxed "9 / P.C.K.". Faults More pictures: a
CZK 1100
Cover sent to Siam, ½ + 2As George tied CAWNPORE 13.8.1916, Censor #5 Calcutta alongside, transit Singapore & Bangkok arrival. Elgim Mills Co Ltd on backflap; light bend
CZK 600
Pakistan: Commerc cover, posted at KARACHI in 1915, green censot tape & boxed Censor Karachi 8.10.1915, addressed to Perian Gulf, arrival MOHAMERAH (= today Persia/ Iran). Scarce, minor fault
CZK 700
Tibet: Small cover, ½ A George on back tied NEPAL 28 JA 1920, sent to LHASA, arrival GYANGTSE TIBET 5 FEB 1920. Double oval hds KATMANDU. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 2800
Short paid cover to USA, ½ A + 2A tied TRIVANDRUM on 2 MAY 1923, DUE 6c/ NY, taxed 2* 2c Postage Due/ precanceled Los Angeles. Probably one stamp missing; sold as is
CZK 240
Airmail PSE 2As Plane surcharge on 8As, tied OOTACAMUND on 20 DEC 1936, sent to Hong Kong. Small circle K4 censor hds
CZK 440
FDC ½ A + 3ps George VI tied KURSEONG185 DEC 1937, locally. Darjeeling district , West Bengal
CZK 360
Reg cover, on back 1R & 2* 1A3Ps George tied RAMNAGAR 25 JUL 1933, transit Athenes, sent to ÄŒSR
CZK 400
Christmas flight India-Ceylon, 2* 2A George Airmail tied 23 DEC 1936, FFC cachets, arrival Colombo More pictures: a
CZK 600
1st Flight Kathiawar-Bombay: Airmail cover, 2As Plane, BHAWNAGAR 21 NO 1938, FFC, arrival Bombay More pictures: a
AR: PS card 9ps George VI upr 2* 2As tied JHENIDAH on 11 SEP 1940, Reg & Retour receipt, form Acknowledgment on back. Scarce rate, some faults as usual More pictures: a