AR: PS card 9ps George VI upr 2* 2As tied JHENIDAH on 11 SEP 1940, Reg & Retour receipt, form Acknowledgment on back. Scarce rate, some faults as usual More pictures: a
Kishangarh: Official form letter, 2* ½ A Fiscal stamp tied KISHANGARH/ Rajasthan on 30 NO 1941 More pictures: a
CZK 240
Kishangarh: Official form letter, imperf (!) 1A Fiscal stamp tied KISHANGARH/ Rajasthan on 7 SEP 1940
CZK 240
Holkar state: PS card ½ A Portrait upr ½ A George V ovpt SERVICE, tied BARWAHA 21 MAY 1935, arrival Khargaon alongside, filled printed form on back. Unusual item More pictures: a
CZK 360
Morvi State: PS card 3Pi Portrait, good used More pictures: a
CZK 180
Travancore: PS card 6+2c Portrait tied PERUMB… on 5 DHA 1920, arrival Mamala; light bend More pictures: a
CZK 240
Jaipur Feudatory State: Vintage PS card uprated & sent with Retour Receipt, attractiv, faults More pictures: a
CZK 300
Jaipur Feudatory State: Vintage PS card ½ A Prince uprated & sent with Retour Receipt, attractiv, faults More pictures: a
CZK 250
Malaya: Commercial cover from India, 2As George VI tied NAGORE on 2 MAR 1951, "T" hds, in PENANG taxed 3+20c Postage Due stamps (all on back)
CZK 440
Malaya: Commercial cover from India, 1 + 1 ½ As George tied VANAD RAJAPURAN & KUTTALAM-TANJORE onn 20 NOV 1947, "T" hds, in ENGGON taxed 3+5c Postage Due stamps (all on back) More pictures: a
CZK 440
Malaya: Commercial cover from India, unpaid, posted at RAMN… in 31 DE 1930, taxed "T 400c" hds & 12c Postage Due stamps in TAIPING 10 JA 1930
CZK 600
Pakistan: OHMS cover, mixed emergency issues 2As George handstamped & ½ A ovpt Pakistan on Indian stamps, airmail from LAHORE to India, arrival Bikaner on back More pictures: a
CZK 1100
Pakistan: OHMS cover, mixed emergency issues 1A George handstamped & 1 ½ A ovpt Pakistan on Indian stamps, airmail from LAHORE to India, arrival Bikaner on back More pictures: a
CZK 1100
Pakistan: OHMS cover, mixed emergency issues 1 ½ As George handstamped & 2As ovpt Pakistan on Indian stamps, airmail from LAHORE on 5 MAR 1948 to India, arrival Bikaner on back More pictures: a
CZK 1400
Pakistan: OHMS cover, emergency issue 3* 1 ½ As George handstamped Pakistan on Indian stamps, airmail from LAHORE to India, arrival Bikaner on back More pictures: a
CZK 1400
Advertising telegram form "Singer, Lipton´s Tea, Gold Flake Cigarettes & next on back, incl. FIRPO´S) used RANGOON on 20 NOV 1924. Scarce usage, today Burma
CZK 400
Advertising telegram form "Singer, Lipton´s Tea, Bears Elephant Cigarettes & next on back, incl. Amplion) used BEAWAR TEL on 5 DEC 1927
CZK 400
Advertising telegram form "Imperial Special Cigarettes, Lipton´s Tea & next on back, incl. Schweppes & Buick) used INDORE on 20 JAN 1925