Algeria: Forerunner French PS card 10c tied MEDEAH on 13 MAI 1892, sent to Austria/ Schlesien, arrival Troppau & Karthrein alongside. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 500
Algeria: Scarce airmail Alger - Biskra, mixed 5+25+ 2* 35c Sower tied ALGER on 23.3.1923 More pictures: a
Algeria: Exposition Prisonnier: Spec postcard, mixed Algerian franking tied ALGER 20 FE 1946, flight Alger-Paris, taxed by 2Fr French Postage due stamp in Paris More pictures: a
CZK 350
Cambodge: PPC Phnompenh/ School, 5c Indo-Chine on picture side tied PNOMPENH CAMBODGE on 4 JUIL 1904, sent to France, Perigueu/ Dordogne arrival
Cambodge: PPC Phnompenh/ Bateau, 10c Indo-Chine tied PNUMPENH CAMBODGE on 22 DEC 1905, sent to France, Steamer LIGNE N/ PAQ.FR. No. 4, arrival L´Isle Jourdain
CZK 700
Cambodge: PPC Phnompenh/ Elephante du Roi, 5c Indochine tied PNOMPENH CAMBODGE on 2 OCT 1903, sent to Hong Kong
CZK 360
Cambodge: Commercial cover, 5+10c Indo-Chine mixed issues tied PNOMPENH CAMBODGE on 23 MAI 1913, sent to Paris, transit Saigon on back. Some faults More pictures: a
CZK 600
Cambodge: PPC Ruines d´Angkor, 2* 2c Indo-Chine tied ANGKOR LES RUINES on 23.8.1927, to Paris
CZK 440
Cameroun: Commercial reply cover posted at M´BANGA on 2 FEV 1938, boxed P.P., arrival St.-Etiene More pictures: a
CZK 240
Cameroun: Cover sent internally, 3* 5Fr Knight tied MEIGANGA 25 AVR 1953, sent from US Mission , transit N´Gaoundere & arrival Yaounde on back More pictures: a
CZK 240
Canton: Red ovpt on 10c PS card Indo-Chine, Asch. #1, scarce card 10 Gold Mark, superb **
CZK 500
French India: Small cover, 2+18Ca tied PONDICHERY INDE on 30 NOV 1927, sent to Paris
CZK 240
French Somali Coast: Official cover "Le Chef du Service", postage free, DJIBOUTI 27 DEC 1928, sent to Czechoslovakia; transit Port Taufiq & Port Said on back. Unusual More pictures: a
CZK 600
Guadelope: Great mixed 2* 10c + 2* 20c + 40c Eagle (#3-5, issue of 1859-65) on cover, tied diamond lozenge pmk, posted at PONTE-A-PITRE on 5 MAR 1868, by steamer Nouveau Monde to France, arrival COL.FR.PAQ/ ST. NAZAIRE 27 MAR alongside. Nice colourfull franking, pmks a little unclear. Large blue oval ETABLISSEMENTS DEROSNE/ 3e CAIL/ Agence de la Guadelope on back. Great exhibition item More pictures: a
CZK 8000
Guadelope: PPC Basse-Terre, 5c Allegory tied POINTE-A-PITRE on 3 OCT 1903, French ship COLON a BORDEAUX/ L.D. No. 3, sent to Austria, arrival TPO PASSAU-WIEN #110. Unusual
CZK 500
Levant: Folded letter, 20+80c Napolen tied by two dotted ANCHOR pmks, SALONIQUE 21 NOV 1865, arrival Constantinopel on back. Full contents More pictures: a - b
CZK 5000
Levant: PS card 10c tied SMYRNE TURQUIE d´ASIE on 8 AOUT 1903, arrival Segonzac More pictures: a
CZK 440
Levant: Private cover, single 1Pi surcharge on 25c Allegory tied CONSTANTINOPLE POSTE FRANCAISE on 7.3.1903, arrival Paris More pictures: a
CZK 240
Levant: PS card 10c tied CONSTANTINOPLE-STAMBOUL 29.8.1907, sent to Czechia, arrival Gablonz More pictures: a
CZK 250
Levant: PS card 10c tied CONSTANTINOPLE-GALATA on 19.2.1913, Banking imprint, unusual to Russia, arrival SPB & Banque Russo-Asiatique
CZK 300
Levant: Small PSE 5c tied JERUSALEM PALESTINE on 29.3.1914, printed matter sent to Berlin
CZK 250
Levant: Two PPC Constantinopel, sent to Austria/ Czechia
CZK 250
Levant: Lot of 4 items (2 covers, 1x front, 1x PPC) sent in 1905-1923, all abroad