Ship letter, red NEW YORK 30 DEC (= 1843, PAID, per Boston Steamer to London; double oval AMERICA "L" & arrival 14 JA on back
CZK 400
PSE 2c Jackson black (U.S.POST above design U19 (?), issue 1863-4 on orange paper, Asch. #20) upr 1c Franklin, tied blue TRENTON 29 NOV, sent to new Brunswick; minor fault
CZK 700
Local stamp: Small cover, single 1c bronze (design L40), pmk BLOOD´s / DESPATCH on 1 NOV 1854, sent to Philadelphia. Cover at top minor torn
CZK 1200
Patriotic cover 5c Washington tied TOLLAND MASS , sent to Masonville in Delaware county
CZK 500
Vintage PSE 3c Washington red & 1c Franklin blue, issue 1860, ** scarce
CZK 1500
PSE 3c upr 2* 1c Frankllin, ALTOONA 19 FEB, sent to Germany, arrival München 6 MAR 1883
CZK 300
PS card 1c Liberty black upr 1c Franklin tied fancy pmk, SAN FRANCISCO 11 FE 1884, sent to Austria, arrival Döbling
CZK 250
Destination: Cover franked by pair of 1c Franklin & 3* 5c Taylor (pair & single, on blue paper), tied by red BOSTON PAID on 15 DEC & SANDWICH, Mass 15 DEC 1879, sent to ST.HELENA (!!) with arrival pmk 19 JA 1880 & "110" manuscript by red crayon alongside. Red transit London 27 DE on back. Rare item in poor condition (incomplete); SOLD AS IS More pictures: a
CZK 4000
Wells Fargo: PSE 2c Washington tied red oval W.F. & Co/ 218/ , l LAREDO 15 DEC 1886 (?) alongside, Vertical bend
PSE 5c Columbus upr 8c Columbus Restored, NY 12 JUN 1893, Reg to Germany, scarce Reg label RED DIGITALS, arrival Berlin 23.6. on back; cover at left reduced, sold as is More pictures: a
CZK 500
PSE 5c Garfield gey upr 10c, HAYESVILLE, Ohio 3 MAY 1890, Reg to Germany, arrival Barmen More pictures: a
CZK 400
Short paid cover from GB, 2 ½d Queen tied BOSTON on 4 JA 1896, "T" & taxed 5* 2c Postage Due deep clarets in stripe of 5, in TRENTON, N.J.; minor faults More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Short paid cover from Germany, 20Pf Eagle tied WIESBADEN 15.9.1893, in NY taxed 10c Postage Due More pictures: a
CZK 500
Destination: PS card 2c Liberty blue tied LYNN, Mass on 23 MAY 1894, sent to Turkey, arrival JERUSALEM British P.O. alongside & Turkish on back
PSE 2c Washington upr 2½c surcharge CUBA on 2c tied PORT TOWASEND on 26 FE 1901, sent to Philippines, arrival Manila on back. Unusual item More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Advertising cover "F.J.Skala - Ticket Office - General Steamship", single 13c Harrison , CHICAGO / Pilsen St 20 JAN 1903, Reg & AR to Slovakia, unusual octagonal arrival hd Turócz-Szent-Márton on back More pictures: a
CZK 400
Compl reply PS card 2c Sheridan upr 1c, NY 3 JUL 1905, arrival Breslau; reply half unused More pictures: a
CZK 300
PSE 5c upr 8c M. Washington, CHICAGO 12 JUL 1907, Reg & AR to Czechia, FX-label small digitals More pictures: a
CZK 500
PSE 1c upr 2* 2c Washingon, PORT JEFFERSON 24 SE 1905, arrival Berlin
CZK 300
Alaska: Real photo PPC "Eskimo cutting up Walrus Killed on ice floe in", 1c tied NOME ALASKA on 12 JUL 1909
CZK 400
Alaska: PPC "Indian Totem, Poles near Sitka", 1c Franklin tied blue (!!) STIKA ALASKA on 7 AUG 1908 More pictures: a
CZK 400
PSE 10c Franklin gray upr 4* 4c Washington brown Sc. 346 (block of 4, imperf.) posted at PHILADELPHIA on 12 JAN 1911, sent to Germany, arrival Landau/ Pfalz. Scarce Reg label PHILADELPHIA FX-PH1. Rare item More pictures: a
CZK 12000
TPO: Commerc cover, 2c Edison tied SOO.& MPLS.R.P.O./ TR. 7 on 25 JUL 1929