Occupation of Perak: Small cover, 4* 2c Sultan Iskandar Overprinted "DAI NIPPON - 2602 - MALAYA", tied SEREMBAN on 9.16.2602, sent to Katong, censored. Minor faults More pictures: a
CZK 1400
Occupation of Malaya/ North District: PS card 4c Cherry Blossom & Anchor, thick brownish paper & large digitals 4 CENTS, **, minor spots
CZK 1100
Occupation of Malaya/ North District: PS card 4c Cherry Blossom & Anchor, thick grey paper & lower digitals 4 CENTS, **
CZK 1100
Occupation of Malaya/ North District: PS card large 4c Cherry Blossom & Anchor, thin brownish paper & large digitals 4 CENTS, **
CZK 1400
Occupation of Malaya: Reg PSE 15c George VI overprinted, MNH