Basutoland: Reg PSE 4d George VI, size 225x100 mm, upr 2d George VI., tied MAFEKING 1.5.1946, arrival Wepener alongside, light central bend
CZK 900
Basutoland: Reg PSE 4d George VI, size 225x100 mm, upr 2* 2d George VI., tied QUTHING 5.10.1954; 3rd weight step, cover 3 sides opened
CZK 700
Basutoland: PS card 1d George VI, tied PEKA on 4 OC 1946, sent to Morija. Long message, attractiv
CZK 600
Cape of Good Hope: Fiscal stamps 12Sh in block of 4, MNH. Low starting price
CZK 850
Cape of Good Hope: Incoming from USA: Short paid cover posted at LEECHBURG on 10 DEC 1901 sent to Pearston, taxed, "T 10c" & "3d" hds, triangle censor hds More pictures: a
CZK 500
Cape of Good Hope: PSE 1d Victoria upr 3* different 1d tied numeral "227", sent to Bechuanaland More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Cape of Good Hope: Reg PSE 4d Victoria upr 5* 1d Arms, PORT ELIZABETH 16 AU 1901, sent to USA
CZK 600
Cape of Good Hope: Reg PSE 4d Edward upr 2* 1*/2d, tied KLEIN DRAKENSTEIN on 8 MR 1905, sent to Natal. Transit Paarl, Mooi River & Ennersdale arrival
CZK 600
Cape of Good Hope: Small cover, 1d tied PORT ELIZABETH on 27 SP 1901, censored, tape "Opened under Martial Law", arrival Graham Town. Backflap damaged More pictures: a
CZK 400
Cape of Good Hope: Small cover, 1d tied WYNBERG on 25 NO 1901 sent to Claremont, Censor hds
CZK 400
Cape of Good Hope: Reg PSE 4d Victoria upr 5* 1d Allegory, tied MOSSEL-BAY onn 15 AU 1899, on back transit Swellendam & arrival Port Elizabeth
CZK 600
Cape of Good Hope: PPC Botanical Gerden, short paid ½d Edward, sent to GB, tax hds "1d / I.S."
CZK 250
Cape of Good Hope: PS card ½d Victoria upr ½d tied WYNBERG on 12 MR 1910
CZK 250
Cape of Good Hope: PS card ½d Victoria brown tied CAPE TOWN on 1 AP 1890, arrival SALT RIVER alongside. Adressed to war ship H.M.S. Theasaur
CZK 400
Cape of Good Hope: PS wrapper ½d Victoria gray upr ½d, mute hds, sent to London
CZK 250
Cape of Good Hope: PS card ½d Victoria brown tied SEA PORT C.G.H. on 2 DE 1896, sent to London
CZK 250
Cape of Good Hope: Lot of 5 pictorial PS cards used 1900-10, good used (1x S.M.S. PANTHER)
CZK 600
Cape of Good Hope: PS card ½d Victoria brown tied GRAAFF REINETI on 11 AP 1897, arrival London
CZK 300
Cape of Good Hope: PPC Lion´s Head, 2* 1d tied KALK BAY on 29 JA 1902, sent to Austria, AkSt Neulengbach & redirected Italy, Riva poste restante, Neapel poste restante, tax hds "5c". Well traveled
CZK 350
Lesotho: Reg PSE 10c Arms size 155x95 mm upr 2 ½c Basotho Hat, posted at MAZENOD on 2.3.1970, arrival Morija
CZK 240
Lesotho: Reg PSE 10c Arms size 155x95 mm upr ½ + 3 ½ + 5c Animals posted at MAFETENG on 8.5.1976, arrival Morija More pictures: a
Orange Free State: Provisorial PS card 1 ½d surcharge on 1d Arms (ovpt shifted) tied JACOBSDAL, sent to Germany, arrival Naumburg 29,4.1893
CZK 240
Orange Free State: Provisorial PS card ½d Arms, BLOEMFONTEIN 29 AU 1895, arrival Cape Town/ Cape Colony; imprint The National Bank O.S.F. on back
CZK 240
Orange Free State: Compl reply PS card ½d surcharge V.R.I. on ½ d green upr 1d surcharge, tied BLOEMFONTEIN on 30 MAY 1903 sent to Germany, arrival Böblingen; reply half **, without message More pictures: a