Umschlag mit 25Pf Hindenburg, BERLIN 17.6.1941, nach Lwow/ Lemberg in USSR, hdschr. Hinweis "Zurück - kein Postverkehr/ ABP" (Landsmann BBH1 "F") vorn & Zensur OKW rs (BV3.3 frühe Verwendung,
CZK 1500
India/ IRC declared: Cover to Red Cross in Switzerland, 3 ½ As George VI tied SHILLONG 14 NO 1942, twice censored DHC/3, DHA/67 & Wehrmacht "x". Declared content "Coupon-réponsé"
CZK 700
India/ IRC declared: Cover to Red Cross in Switzerland, 3As + ½ A George VI tied LAHORE 30 AUG 1943, twice censored DHC/466, DHC/66 & Wehrmacht "A.x.". Declared content "Coupon-réponsé" More pictures: a
CZK 360
B.u.M.: R-Umschlag, via USSR nach Afghanistan, 2+3K, KÖNIGGRÄTZ 14.6.1941, Zensur OKW & retourniert; mimeograph. Zettel "Leitung nur noch über Bagdad möglich…. erneute Einlieferung. BPA 4, Berlin" (Landsmann PZ1.3), selten More pictures: a - b
CZK 3000
France: Reg cover to Argentina, good single 50Fr Petain #556 tied LIMOGES on 8.4.1943, arrival Buenos Aires, diverse censor marking including scarce OKW "y" & Retour More pictures: a
CZK 600
Lithuania: Cover to Germany, single 60c Reunification/ ovpt VILNIUS 1939-X.10, posted at Vilnus. Scarce Censor hds "AuslandsbriefprüfstelleKönigsberg"; cover minor reduced More pictures: a
CZK 600
Latvia: Reg cover, 8* 5 & 2* 1Pf Hindenburg, VALDEMARPILS 1.5.1942, sent to Austria, arrival Graz. Scarce censor hds "a" (Landsmann AP3.3 "E") More pictures: a
CZK 600
Latvia: Reg cover, 5* 8 & 2* 1Pf Hitler, AMELA LATVIJA 4.10.1943, sent to Sudetenland/ Oberdonau, arrival Kaplitz, provisor. Reg label, closed with tape (Landsmann AVB1.3) More pictures: a
CZK 400
Latvia: Reg cover, 6* 5 & 3* 4Pf Hindenburg, ALOJA LATVIJA 11.4.1942, sent to Sudetenland/ Oberdonau, arrival Kaplitz. Scarce censor hds "a" (Landsmann AP3.4 "E") More pictures: a