Reg cover, attract mixed triangle Airmail stamps, tied RIGA 14.10.1934, sent to Austria
CZK 400
Airmail cover to Germany, triangle 10-25s Airmail overprinted LATVIJAS AIZSARGI & surcharged #190-2, posted at RIGA LIDPASTS on 13.10.1932, arrival Berlin More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Postcard, single 20c Monument/ 5th Anniversary tied RIGA 4.7.1939, sent to Germany
CZK 300
Banking cover, meter stamp 0.35/ RIGA 18.1.1940/ KREDITBANKA, sent to Protectorat B+M, German censor KÖNIGSBERG/ Auslandsnachrichtenprüfstelle. Gesucht
CZK 300
Soviet occupation: Reg & Express cover, 40s & 2* 1L Arms tied RIGA 14.1.1941, to Austria, arrival Wien More pictures: a
CZK 500
Germany WW2 occupation: Propaganda PPC "Apcelo Dzimto zemi!" (= Visit the Motherland!), Soviet 5kop Worker overprinted LATVIJA 1941/ 1.VII #1 tied RIGA on 22.8.1941, used locally. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 900
Germany WW2 occupation: Reg cover, 8* 5 & 2* 1Pf Hindenburg, VALDEMARPILS 1.5.1942, sent to Austria, arrival Graz. Scarce censor hds "a" (Landsmann AP3.3 "E") More pictures: a
CZK 600
Germany WW2 occupation: Reg cover, 5* 8 & 2* 1Pf Hitler, AMELA LATVIJA 4.10.1943, sent to Sudetenland/ Oberdonau, arrival Kaplitz, provisor. Reg label, closed with tape (Landsmann AVB1.3) More pictures: a
CZK 400
Germany WW2 occupation: Reg cover, 6* 5 & 3* 4Pf Hindenburg, ALOJA LATVIJA 11.4.1942, sent to Sudetenland/ Oberdonau, arrival Kaplitz. Scarce censor hds "a" (Landsmann AP3.4 "E") More pictures: a
CZK 600
Russian period: Outer folded letter, mixed 1+3+10kop Arms tied RIGA on 13 MAR 1871, red AUS RUSSLAND, sent to Berlin. Scarce franking Mi. 18x, 21x & 19 xF, rare usage of printing error 3kop # 19F, with background "V" for 5kop instead "3"). Light archive bends outside stamps, arrival Berlin on back. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 6000
Zeppelin: Reg cover to Brazil, superb mixed i.e. 1L + 2* 2L Arms tied RIGA 17.10.1932, cachets Anschlussflug & 9.SAF 1932, transit Berlin & arrival Pernambuco; Mi. #286 - 480 More pictures: a