Eritrea: Compl reply PS card 7 ½c Vittorio (date of print 04), overprint COLONIA ERITREA only on message part & reply part without overprint. Scarce card, minor faults, MNH
CZK 1000
Eritrea: Fieldpost cover, on back 1L + 5c tied PALERMO - 7.4.1936, sent to Eritrea. Here taxed by 6* 7 ½ c Vittorio in block of 6 tied arrival POSTA MILITARE No. 134 on 16.4.1936. High value Sass. 960 More pictures: a
CZK 1800
Eritrea: Short paid cover, mixed 25c Tree/ Eritrea & 1.50L Airmail A.O.I. tied BARAR DAR/ AMARA on 24.8.1939, sent to Torina & redirected. Framed "Peso superiore Al Gr. 5 sopratassa insufficiente", taxed bacause higher weight, arrival Martiniana on back. Central bend More pictures: a
CZK 800
Eritrea: Art PPC "Massaua, Filiale del Banco di Roma", postally used
CZK 500
Eritrea: Cover to Germany, good mixed i.e. 2* 75c Airmail, ADDIS ABEBA 13.9.1937
CZK 500
Eritrea & Etiopia & Somalia, mixed franking of 3 countries tied HARAR / ABBA-LITTORIA on 1.11.1937, sent to Germany (sass. 500)
CZK 750
La Canea / Crete: Reg cover, great multi mixed 15* 2c & 20* 1c ovpts LA CANEA #3+4 on both sides tied LA CANEA 22.10.1909, sent to Austria/ Moravia, arrival NAPAJEDL. Superb (Sass. +350)
CZK 2000
Laibach: PPC Ljubljana, 2* 0.25Din Peter YU overprinted #19 tied LJUBLJANA 16.6.1941
CZK 500
Levant/ Turkey: Reg cover, great multi mixed 10-40pa ovpts (i.e. scarce 30pa red ovpt (Sass. #15 - 160), tied CONSTANTINOPOLI GALATA on 14 MAG 1909, Reg hds, arrival Heigenbruecken, Superb More pictures: a
CZK 1800
Levant: PPC Porte du Palais de Dolma-Bagtche, 10pa Vittorio ovpt, COSTANTINOPOLI 13.2.1911
CZK 250
Levant: PPC Tour de Galata, 20pa Vittorio ovpt, COSTANTINOPOLI 11.9.1920, sent to Swiss
Libya: PPC "Tripoli, Marabute in pieno Oasi", 30c Dante Alighieri Society ovpt COLONIE ITALIANE tied TRIPOLI 24.9.1932. Good franking (Sass. 280)
CZK 600
Libya: Colored PPC Tripoli, mixed 50c Volta ovpt TRIPOLITANIA & 25c Libia Definitive, tied TRIPOLI 20.12.1927. Good franking
CZK 300
Libya: Printed matter cover, 5+10+25c Fairs tied TRIPOLI 6.4.1938, sent to Swiss, arrival Münster
CZK 500
Nisiro: Italian PS card 5c Vittorio (Proclamation of Kingdom on back) upr 2-15c NISIROS ovpts tied NISEROS EGEO on 19.3.1913 sent to Swiss arrival Zürich. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 1800
Simi: Commercial Reg cover, mixed 2c - 50c SIMI ovpt (8 values) tied SYMI EGEO on 3.9.1918, sent to France, CENSOR RODI, transit Bologna & arrival Paris on back. Some faults, sold as is More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Somalia: Small cover, single 40c surcharge on 10A Benadir tied BRAVA PROTET. ITALIANO (BENADIR) on 16.2.1906, sent to Mogadiscio, arrival MERCA on back. Rare cover, 2x signed Bolaffi More pictures: a
CZK 3500
Somalia: PS card 30c Vittorio ovpt upr 1L Airmail + 20c Tower, tied MOGADISCIO on 28.8.1936 More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Albania: Cover, 50c Vittorio tied SASENO ISOLA on 28.11.1942, sent to Milano. Contents
CZK 600
Albania: Military cover, mixed 30pa surcharge on Vittorio & 5c tied POSTA MILITARE ALBANIA on 15.3.1916, sensored, arrival Montelupone; scasrce, minor fault More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Albania: Real photo "Artillery", 10pa Durazzo surcharge on 5c Vittorio tied DURAZZO UFF POSTE ITALIANO 5.7.1915, CTO, minor fault