Outer folded letter, red boxed CASL/ MEGE (= CASTELMAGGIORE) 5 GIU (= 5.6.1850), scarce hds (Mü. 59a, 1750° or Sass. R3 ) ex offo, sent to Caprino Bergamasco. Very rare hds, early usage More pictures: a
CZK 2500
Prestamp folded letter from PORDENONE dated 22.11.1794, full contents, to Venezia; tax hds "3" More pictures: a
CZK 500
Prestamp folded letter from FRISANCO, dated 29.7.1813, full contents. Small village More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Papal State: Single 2Baj #3 on small folded letter, tied TOSCANELLA without date, long writing inside dated 11.9.1862 More pictures: a
CZK 500
Toscana: 4cr verde su grigio (Sass. N.6) in stripe of 4 stamps, tied FIRENZE on 5 GEN 1853. Photoattest Raybaudi (Sass. 11.000) More pictures: a - b
CZK 10000
Lombardy: Prestamp folded letter from the Bishop of Udine Emanuele dated 12 July 1834, manuscript note "alla diligenza Franchetti raccomandata", Franchetti Gorizia stagecoach company, for the Prior of Casarsa. Full contents, large vax seal More pictures: a
CZK 600
Folded letter, BOLOGNA 10 MAG 1846, arrival MILAN & redirected to Wien. Tax 16Kr (4Kr Bologna-Milano & 12Kr Milano-Wien). Full contents
CZK 550
Folded letter (1829), red boxed MANTOVA, sent to Mr. Filippo Steinberger in Prague, Bohemia, tax 14Kr. Full contents, paper with signette 6Kr inside More pictures: a
CZK 500
Insured Money letter (1823) sent from MANTOVA to JOSLOWITZ in Bohemia, Porto 29Kr. Full contents More pictures: a
CZK 600
Lot of 4 folded letters: red VENEZIA FRANCO (1844), PADOVA (1810), UDINE PASSARIANO (1813) & VENEZIA de ADRIATICO, all sent to Capo d´Istria
CZK 700
Advertising letter, 5c Umberto perfin "C. 4" tied numeral "123" sent from PALAIA on 6.10.1889 (pmk unclear), arrival Pontedera 7.10.1889 alongside, full contents, superb (Sass. 10.500). Photoattest Caffaz More pictures: a - b - c
CZK 15000
Local issue Merano: Newspaper wrapper, mixed 2H Local issue & 2H Merkur (Austria), tied ALGUND 5.12.1918, used locally. Unusual item
CZK 2500
Military telegramm, stamps canceled by official seal with Arms, posted at 13.11.1916 to MINISTRO GUERRA in Roma; interessant, central bend
CZK 600
Commerc Reg cover, attract 5 colors franking tied MERAN 6.6.1919, transit Milano More pictures: a
CZK 400
Ship post: Cover, 4* 5c Vittorio tied by Italian Ship post Ra NAVE LIGURIA on 26 NOV 1918 (?), large framedcensor hds ADETTO MILITARE ITALIANO ATENE (= Greece, Athenes), sent by known Barone Giacomo Lumbrosso, Italian Embassy Athenes More pictures: a
CZK 500
Mixed 5-15c 50th Anniversary of the Italian State & 25c tied BRESCIA 31.3.1911, to Austria. Sass 940
CZK 1000
Navy fieldpost: FP card with Arms tied R.TORPEDINIERA 23 O.S. on 29.9.1918, sent to Pisa. Late post
CZK 400
Trentino: Commercial cover, 25c Espresso & 2* 25c Vittorio tie NEUMARKT TIROL on 25.2.1920 (= Egna, with the Treaty of Saint-Germain in 1920, Neumarkt became part of Italy), sent to Innsbruck.
CZK 500
Trentino: Commercial cover, 2* 50c Vittorio tied Austrian hds RESCHEN TIROL on 4.6.1923, late usage, light bend. In 1920 Reschen became a border town on the newly drawn Italian-Austrian border
CZK 300
Advertising: PPC Napoli, 50c Vittorio with advertising coupon COEN & 10c tied NAPOLI 21.2.1925; signed, scarce Sass. 600
CZK 1500
Advertising: PPC, 15c Vittorio with advertising coupon GRAFOFONO COLUMBIA, NAPOLI 24.12.1924, scarce Sass. 360
CZK 800
Reg cover to Bulgaria, attract multi mixed franking, BOLZANO 22.6.1925, arrival LOM on back; minor fault More pictures: a
CZK 2000
Advertising cover "Cav.E.Monchicourt, Antichita - Oggetti d´Arte", mixed issues 2* 1.25L & 20+30L Vittorio tied MILANO 29.1.1927, sent to Austria. Superb ciinderella Philatelic Congress Milano 1923
CZK 400
PPC XII.Congresso Filatelico, 20c Vittorio tied framed spec pmk POSTA AEREA ECCEZZIONALE , label XII. CONGRESSO/POSTA AEREA/ LIVORNO & spec pmk Congresso 21 JUN 1925. Signed
CZK 650
PPC XII.Congresso Filatelico, 30c Vittorio surcharge tied framed POSTA AEREA ECCEZZIONALE, label XII. CONGRESSO/POSTA AEREA / LIVORNO & spec pmk Congresso 28 JUN 1925. Signed