20p Arms blue with all full tooths tied unclear TPO on 31 AP 1879 (?), arrival blue ANK (Helsingfors). Cover torn, sold as is
CZK 400
Vintage PSE 10kop Arms U12 of 1860 wmk TERVAKOSKI manuscript canceled, LOVISA 26/7, boxed arrival ANK 28, sent to Wiburg. Scarce item, poor condition, seldom seen More pictures: a
CZK 750
PS card 10p Arms upr 10p-1Mk Arms (7 values) tied KOIVISTO-BJÖRKÖ on 10.10.1918 (with russian name removed). Without address, long message on back
Airmail cover to Italy, mixed Red Cross Charity tied HELSINKI 12.9.1937, arrival Milano More pictures: a
CZK 360
Aland Islands: Incoming PPC franked by 3* 1kop Russian Arms, posted at S.PETERBURG on 15 SEP 1908, arrival MAARIANHAMINA / MARIEHAMN 1.10.1908 alongside. Seldom seen More pictures: a
CZK 600
Zeppelin: Cover to Germany, 2* 10Mk Zeppelin ovpt Mi. 161 tied HELSINKI 24.9.1930, SSt Suomi Finland violet (in Michel unlisted), transit Friedrichshafen rs.; Mi. 128A - +550 More pictures: a
CZK 5000
Zeppelin: Reg cover to Brasil, michet Red Cross Charity & Definiitive tied HELSINKI 2.5.1933, cachet Auschlussflug & 1.SAF 1933, arrival Curityba front, Berlin & TPO Berlin-Sassnitz on back; superb, Mi. 294a - 350 More pictures: a