Lot of vintage fiscal stamps, ovpts on Nikola & Postage Due, MNH/ used
CZK 500
PS card 10H Nikolaus P23 tied unclear CETTINJE 27.10.1905, sent to Russia, arrival S.Peterburg. Two Russian postal forms SPRAVKA glued alongside, long message on back. Good item More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Right half of Dispatch Note 5Nkr Nicholas brown A2 tied blue BAR 13.11., arrival Triest on back. Faults, seldom seen
CZK 400
PS card 5pa King Nicholas P32, tied PLEVLJE on 9.7.1914, sent to Prjepolje in Serbia. Long message
CZK 400
⅔ of Austrian Dispatch note, 20H Karl & 1K Crown tied TIVAT TEODO 28.12.1918, sent to Croatia, on back 2* 10H Postage Due in ČILIPI 30.12.1918 (one stamp perforation cut). Scarce More pictures: a