Austria: Internierungsstation Kirchberg an der Wild, incoming cover from Italy; faults, sold as is More pictures: a
CZK 400
Austria: R-Umschlag ab K.u.K.Arbeiterkomp. Hart bei Amstetten, KRIEGSGEFANGENENLAGER HART (bei AMSTETTEN - 25.5.1918, seltener R-Zettel, nach Prag, kl. Mgl.
CZK 500
Ceylon: PPC Pettah, 3* 2c Victoria tied circle RAGAMA CAMP on 1 NO 1901, large oval RAGAMA CAMP CENSOR, transit RAILWAY POST OFFICE, to Austria, arrival Wien alongside. Boer war item More pictures: a
CZK 800
Ceylon: PS card 2c Victoria, COLOMBO 14.5.1901, sent to POW Dujatalawa Camp, arrival large Censor hds. Boer war item More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Germany: Feldpostumschlag aus Nettingsdorfer Papierfabrik, O.Ö., 2-zeiliger Arb.Kmdo B.99/ STALAG XVII-B, nach Wien; Beförderungsspuren More pictures: a
CZK 350
Germany: Postcard from Egypt, ASWAN-LUXOR 30 MR 1915, sent to POW Camp in Munster & redirected, two line hds LAGER MÜNSTER III unbakannt & NICHT LAGER I MÜNSTER I.VI. More pictures: a
CZK 800
Germany: POW cover with full contents, posted at FRANKFURT 11.1.1941, cash paid 40RPf., airmail to USA POW Camp in Ellis, Ill.; full contents, twice censored More pictures: a
CZK 600
Germany/ Sudetenland: Real photo of 3 French WW2 prisoners in POW camp WISTRITZ located in Bystřice (now part of Dubí u Teplic), hds STALAG IV-C on back, postally unused, folded. Scarce
CZK 400
Isle of Man/ GB: POW card dated DOUGLAS 31.8.1915 sent to Schwechat in Austria, diverse censor hds, also one Russian & Serbian. Nice item
CZK 700
Japan/ Russia: POW card sent from Japanese camp PERVAYA RETSCHKA dated 15.5.1920 sent to Austria, censored by Russian and then by the Japanese authorities, v.f. and rare usage during the Japanese Occupation of Vladivostok region. Writing in German More pictures: a
CZK 2500
Japan: German postcard posted BAALBERGE 20.1.1916, sent to POW Camp MATSUYAMA in Japan. Transit TSURUGA, arrival Matsuyama Prisoner Shelter hds. Censored More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Japan: POW cover sent from POW Camp KURUME, transit MOJI 8.10.28, to Duisburg Germany More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Japanase POW Camp in Java: Incoming cover from GB posted DAGENHAM 24 JAN 1944 sent to Camp Java 3899; censor marking, tape P.C. 90 ( G. & F. Ltd.); backflap missing More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Japanase POW Camp in Malaya: Incoming cover from GB posted LEEDS 9 JAN 1943 addressed R.A.O.C. Malaya redirected to Camp in NONG PLADUK; censor marking, tape P.C. 90 ( 51-929-W. & S.); roughly opened as usual More pictures: a
CZK 1600
Russia: POW card with private attached card, sent from POW camp Nikolsk-Ussurijsk on 6.11.1915, sent to China, arrival TIENTSIN 22.4.1916, Russian Military censor "D.C.". Joined card addressed to Wien More pictures: a - b
CZK 600
E.A.F./ Uganda: POW letter posted at P.O.W./ E.A.F. Camp #366 (= Jinja Camp, Kenya), censored, tape "Opened by Prisoner of War…", sent to Italy, Misterbianco, Catania, Sicilia. Full text inside More pictures: a
CZK 600
ČSR: Zajatecká pošta: Úřední obálka VOJENSKÉ VELITELSTVÍ ZAJATECKÉHO TÁBORA BRANDÝS n.L., portaprosté, odesláno ze STARÁ BOLESLAV 12.9.1947, na Červený kříž do Prahy
CZK 500
ČSR: Zajatecký tábor: CVD76 Ratolest, vylám. VELKÝ ÚJEZD 30.11.1945, adres. "Tábor válečných zajatců OLOMOUC/ Holická ulice. Hledané More pictures: a
CZK 400
France: Refugees post: Single 90c tied CAMP LE BARCARES on 22.8.1939 sent to S.E.R.E.(Service d´evacuatio dec refugees espagnes) in Paris. Le Barcarès camp was opened on January 18th, 1939, and it was the third internment camp built at the Roussillon coast. More pictures: a
CZK 600
Austria: Antwortsteil von Rote Kreuz- GS-Karte P220, WIEN ROTES KREUZ AUSKUNFTBUREAU 7.12.1916, portofrei nach Zbeschau b. Segengottes in Mähren (= Zbýšov u Brna)
CZK 300
India: Red Cross cover, Reg to Switzerland, mixed 2Rs & 3* 3 ½ As tied BOMBAY, arrival Genéve 8.1.1944- Well traveled, diverse censor markings. Declared content "Coupon-réponsé" More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Cape of Good Hope: Small cover, 1d Allegory posted at SIMONS-TOWN on 29 MR 1900, arrival Cape Town. POW Censor hds. Known Bellevue cam, Boer War item More pictures: a
CZK 700
Ceylon: Small cover, 1d V.R.I. ovpt (Orange Free State), posted at WATERVAL, sent to POW Camp Ragama in Ceylon. Censor hds & pink tape "Opened...", transit Pretoria, Natal, Colombo & Ragama arrival. Boer war item
CZK 1100
Ceylon: Small cover, 1d V.R.I. ovpt (Orange Free State), posted at BLOEMFONTEIN O.R.C. on 8 JU 1901, sent to POW Dujatalawa Camp, pink censor tape "Opened under Martial Law", transit Colombo & Dujatalawa Camp arrival. Boer war item
CZK 1100
Ceylon: Small cover, 1d Edward (Transcvaal) tied PRETORIA 20 MAY 1902,s ent to POW Dujatalawa Camp, orange censor tape "Opened under Martial Law". Boer war item More pictures: a