ČSR: Hlavičková obálka Konference Evropských sionistických federací, Expres, PR KARLOVY VARY 16.8.1947/ 50 let Světové sionistické organizace, adres. ŽNO Mariánské Lázně
CZK 300
ČSR: Official cover KEREN TEL HAY (= United Israel Appeal, official fundraising organization for Israel ), HQ for Czechia, 60h Štefanik tied PRAHA 5.10.1937
CZK 500
Protectorat B.u.M.: R-Umschlag "Jüdische Kultusgeminde", 6K Budweis, PRAG-2 13.6.1941, Luftpost nach Slowakei, an "Ústredňa Židov" adressiert More pictures: a
CZK 800
Yugoslavia: Reg cover Jevrejska Opčina (= Jewish Municipality), 20+50Din Workers, BEOGRAD 10.12.1956, sent to ISRAELITISCHE KULTUSGEMEINDE, arrival Zürich More pictures: a
CZK 300
Austria/ Böhmen: Privat-Faltbrief (1845), 3-zeiler JUNGBUNZLAU / 27.Jänn. / RECOMMANDIRT (Mü. 604), sent to Auscha; mit lange Schreiben in Yiddish innen. JUDAICA. More pictures: a - b - c
CZK 1000
USSR / Jewish Emigration from Protectorat: Reg cover, 1Rb Chapayev + 30kop tied ZOLKIEV ohn 6.5.1940, censor OKW, sent to Mährisch Ostrau in B+M (ex Irma Astmann)
CZK 1000
USSR / Jewish Emigration from Protectorat: Reg cover, 10-30kop Čechov + 50kop Aviations Day + 10kop, LWOW 2.1.1940, censor OKW, sent to Mährisch Ostrau in B+M (ex Otto Altmann) More pictures: a
CZK 800
Austria/ Levant: PSE 5c FJ "Öst.Ungar.Mähr.Böhm.Isr. Gemeinde Jerusalem/ Palestina", printed matter, posted at JERUSALEM on 11.3.1910, arrival Misslitz Moravia on back; unusual, backflap missing More pictures: a
Italy/ Rhodos/ Rodi: Official Reg cover sent from Jewish Camp San Giovanni on 29.1.1942 airmail to "HICEM, Bratislava, Slovakia" (= Jewish migration associations); scarce item with faults, sold as is More pictures: a