Prestamp folded letter, red 4-lines MONTREAL OC 7, 1850, sent to New York, red tax hds 10. Full contents, addressed to W.S.Kennedy, at Wallstreet More pictures: a - b
CZK 600
Prestamp folded letter Per steamer via Boston", prepaid note, dated MONTREAL 14 JAN 1845, red KINGSTON L.C. with date 20 FEB handwrited, transit MELBOURNE 20 FE 1845 & arrival Plymouth 18 MR. Red Paid hds 17 MA. Full contents More pictures: a - b
CZK 1400
Prestamp folded letter, red HEMMINGTON L.C. with date 21 DEC 1840 handwrited, addressed to known politician Lord Sydenham in Montreal. Appointed governor general of British North America in 1839, he persuaded the legislature of Upper Canada to consent to a union with Lower Canada and framed the constitution of the united province. More pictures: a
CZK 2000
Western Canada: Prestamp foldeed letter posted at MATILDA C.W. on 3 JY 1852, hds 3dv & PAID, red arrival CORNWALL 4 JUL on back; some faults More pictures: a
CZK 500
Lower Canada: Outer folded letter inside dated St Louis 11 MAR, sent to Saint Francois in L.C., transit Montreal 26 MR 1848 & WILLIAM HENRY L.C.; some faults. Tax 9d More pictures: a
CZK 900
Small cover, single 5c Beaver, MONTREAL 16 MR 1867, arrival COBOURG, Ont & redirect Petersboro More pictures: a
CZK 900
Parliament cover, postage free, tied HOUSE OF COMMONS on 11 MAR 1882/ FREE, sent to Mardsville Ont., arrival London on back. Illustrated backflap More pictures: a
CZK 440
Small cover, 3c Victoria, posted at CARLETOWN on 30 SP 1872, unclear arrival Lamark on back
CZK 440
Commercial cover Adam Hope & Cie., 3c Victoria tied HAMILTON 19 JA 1875, arrival Wellandsport More pictures: a
CZK 360
Small cover, 3c Victoria tied ornamental hds, ROCHESTERVILLE 19 AP 1876, sent to Vankleck Hill, arrival Ottawa on back More pictures: a
CZK 600
Small cover, 3c Victoria, posted at TRENTON N.S. on 13 JU 1887, sent to Pictou; some spots
CZK 360
Small Reg cover, 3c Victoria & 2c Reg stamp, posted at TOTTENHAM on 7 JY 1887, sent to Toronto More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Small cover to India (!!), single 10c Victoria tied MONTREAL on 18 NO 1890 (corner cut and glued by sender), Sea P.O. "B", arrival Yellananchilli, redirected, new arrival Cocamada. Unusual item More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Printed matter cover, single ½ c small Queen tied ornamental hds, ANNAPOLIS 3 JU, arrival Liverpool N.S. 6 JU 1892 More pictures: a
CZK 360
Unusual multi franking 6* ½ c Small Queen, MONTREAL 31 MR 1891, arrival St John, N.B.; some faults More pictures: a
CZK 1100
PS wrapper 1c Victoria blue tied ornamental hds, sent to Italy, from Roma redirected, arrival Monte Porzio Catone 15 AGO 1894 More pictures: a
CZK 700
PS card 2c Victoria green tied MONTREAL 9 AP 1896, sent to Germany, arrival Hamburg More pictures: a
CZK 240
Small cover, 3c Victoria, posted at AYR, Ont on 8 JA 1894, arrival Brantford on back More pictures: a
CZK 440
Comercial cover, letterhead G.A.McGillivray & Co, 5c Queen tied LONDON on 5 OC 1896, sent to Switzrland, arrival St.Gallen; attractiv, minor faults
CZK 1000
Illustrated Reg cover, mixed 1+2+2+3c Victoria posted at CROSS HILL Ont on 11 SP 1897, sent to USA, arrival Cathcart on back. Superb More pictures: a
CZK 2000
Small cover to GB, single 5c Victoria, posted at QUEBEC on 3 AP 1879, red arrival London Paid alongside. Attractiv, backgflap missing, low starting price More pictures: a
CZK 900
PS card 2c Queen tied 3 circles TORONTO on 6 MAY 1902, sent to Czechia, blue arrival Prag
CZK 300
Alberta: PS card 2c Edward posted at RED DEER, Alta on 11 NO 1904, sent to France, Chaux-de-Fonds More pictures: a
CZK 600
PS card 2c Edward posted at TORONTO on 13 JAN 1910, sent to Nÿköping in Sweden; long message More pictures: a
CZK 440
Destination: PS card 2c Edward, VANCOUVER B.C. on 4 JAN 1912, sent to Japan, arrival Wakayama More pictures: a