Folded letter posted at PLYMOUTH on 12 DE 1831, sent to London; red "G.P." & "D/ PAID/ 14DE14/ 1831" (red) front & arrival time double oval "10.F-NOON.10/ DE.14/ 1831 on back. Full contents More pictures: a - b
CZK 800
Prestamp folded letter (1832) from London to France Cognac, red line ANGL. EST., arrival on back. Full contents, tax marking
CZK 360
Scotland: Stampless letter, red boxed DUNDEE PAID 21 OC 1840, diverse PAID hds & tax marking, sent to Germany, poste restante, arrival Mannheim. Decorativ More pictures: a
CZK 600
Penny Black: Folded letter franked by 1d (SG1, letters M-K, two large margins & partially closed cutting left and top), posted on Ocober 29th, 1840; red hds T.P. (Two Penny) CORNHILL , early usage of black Maltese Cross (so-called London-Experimental; the black color was officially introduced only in February 1841), red arrival on back. Attractive item with full contents (SG approx 3.000 GBP) More pictures: a - b
CZK 18000
Great mixed 1Sh green #7 cut into an octagon & 5* 2d #4 (stripe of 4 & one single, messy cutting) tied "625", red RI 20 OC 1848 on back, via Belgium to US Consul in Bremen. Only front cover, poor condition, torn and glued; but still interesting. Offered at a symbolic price More pictures: a - b
CZK 2000
Small cover, 1d redbrown #10 tied boxed NICHOLSON STREET, in back Edinburgh 14 NO 1857, Dumpries 15 NO & redirected, red London 17 BNO 1857
CZK 400
Folded letter, 1+6d #10+14 (!!) tied numbered "21", red LS / 7 JY 1857, via Marseilles to Levant, arrival Constantinopel 19 JY red alongside (opening year of the P.O.). Interesting, minor faults, low starting price More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Reg cover to Austria, single 1Sh Victoria #15 tied "WC / 18", red LONDON 1 JY 1861 & REGISTERED, England per Aachen/ Franco & Recomandirt, poste restante, unclear arrival Wien on back More pictures: a
CZK 3000
Scotland: Folded letter, 2* 4d Queen #19, GLASGOW 1 OC 1862, sent to France, arrival TPO Paris-Marseille & Marseille-Lyon. Full contents More pictures: a
CZK 750
Decorative cover, embossed lace on the front, 1d Queen perforation shifted, tied LEWES on 16 FE 1869, sent locally. Scarce item, cover poor condition, sold as is More pictures: a
CZK 600
Commercial Folded letter, single 3d #28 Plate 5 (SG.144) tied LONDON 30 NO 1870, red oval PD, sent to Austria, without contents, arrival Wien
CZK 700
PS card ½ d Queen upr ½ d with perfin "BL / L", LONDON 6 SP 1887, arrival Wien. Imprint on back
CZK 300
Unusual folded letter sent tio Hungary (!!), single 2 ½ d Queen #47 Pl. 6 tied MANCHESTER 9 NO 1876, arrival NAGY BECSKEREK (= today Zrenjanin in Serbia). Full contents More pictures: a
CZK 440
Vintage cover sent to India (!!), 5d Victoria tioed MANCHESTER 29 JA 1896, Sea P.O. "B", arrival Madras; seldom seen, some faults More pictures: a
CZK 700
Reg cover to USA, mixed 9d #95 + 1 ½ d tied GRESHAM HOUSE on 8 FE 1897, transit Boston & arrival Newton, Mass on back; 2-lines Suspected Liable 9c/ Customs Duties More pictures: a
CZK 1100
Destination: Single 4d Victoria #91 posted at BIRMINGHAM on 5 DE 1906, Reg to Jamaica, arrival More pictures: a
CZK 500
Destination: Reg PSE 2d Victoria upr 2 ½d, tied EAST BANK SOUTHPORT 10 NO 1899, sent to Dahomey/ West Africa; on back French ship Bordeaux a Loanda & arrival Cotonou. Unusual
CZK 400
Reg cover to France, 9d Victoria dull purple & blue #95 + ½d (= triple 2 ½d letter rate & 2d Reg fees) tied CHARING CROSS LONDON on 3 NO 1900, arrival Rouen. Seldom seen More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Destination: PSE Three ½ dGeorge upr Three ½ d cut-off & 1+ ½ d, COLCHESTER 9 AP 1908, sent to Luxembourg, arrival Diekirch onn back More pictures: a
CZK 2000
Postcard 1st UK Aerial Post (gray picture), ½ d George tied by spec pmk FIRST UNITED KINGDOM AERIAL POST LONDON - 9 SP 1911, sent to Cornwall; long message More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Destination: Mixed 2S6d Arms & 3d George tied NEWCASTLE-ON-TYRE on 5 NOV 1942, sent to British Guiana, censor tape #6563 & arrival 23 NO on back More pictures: a
CZK 500
Cover posted at CHELTENHAM on 25 MAY 1942, via Lisboa to Allevard in France censor tape P.C.90, transit Madrid.
CZK 800
PS Forces letter 1 /12d George VI tied CARDIFF on 2 OCT 1945, sent to Canadian Army in Victoria More pictures: a
CZK 180
Fieldpost in Cyprus: Reg cover, mixed 1S3d + 4d Churchill & 5d Queen tied F.P.O. #969 on 8 JU 1965, sent to R.A.F. AKROTIRI, B.F.P.O. 53. Unusual FDC More pictures: a
CZK 300
Destination: Private postcard, 2* ½d George tied ALTRINCHAM on 23 JU 1951, sent to B.W.I., arrival SAN SAUVER / DOMINICA. On back hectographic printing "Christ died for you…" Unusual item More pictures: a