Zone A: Reg cover, mixed AMG/ VG ovpts, GORIZIA 29.1.1947, Allied Control censor tape, arrival Bolzano. Superb More pictures: a
CZK 2000
Zone A: Insured Money letter 2.500L, on back high 20+500+100L tied TRIESTE 28.8.1948, sent to Napoli. Vax seals, attractiv, catalogue value Sass. 850 More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Zone A: Reg Express cover, great mixed Airmal AMG-FTT ovpts on both sides tied TRIEST/ CONGRESSO FILATELICIO on 8.9.1948, sent to YU, arrival PIRANO. Superb FDC More pictures: a
CZK 500
Zone A: Cover Lloyd Triestino", 4* 10L ovpt A.M.G.-F.T.T., TRIESTE 22.1.1948, sent to ČSR
CZK 300
Zone A: FDC 100L 100th Anniversary of the Roman Republic #65, TRIEST 30.5.1949, Reg to ČSR
CZK 400
Zone A: FDC 5-20L ERP- Help #67-9 (& next on back), TRIEST 15.6.1949, Reg to ČSR More pictures: a
CZK 400
Zone A: Short paid cover from USA, 2* 3c Prexies, NY 9 DEC 1953, tax hds "T 30L", 10+20c Postage Due/ AMG-FTT ovpts, in Trieste
CZK 500
Zone A: Commerc Reg cover, mixed 1-60L Working (8 values), TRIESTE 18.5.1952, arrival Messina
CZK 450
Zone A: Commerc cover, 2* 20L Caesar A.M.G./ V.G., TRIESTE 25.7.1947, sent to ČSR. Censor tape A.M.G./ VENEZIA GIULIA
CZK 300
Zone B: Reg cover, full set Airmail #5-11 tied KOPER CAPODISTRIA on 18.6.1949, sent to Swiss, arrival Geneve. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 2500
Zone B: Mixed 15Din Esperanto #103 & 15Din Vehicle #98 & 2+3+5Din Definitive #88-90, KOPER CAPODISTRIA 18.8.1953, sent to Austria. Scarce non-philatelics
CZK 1200
Zone B: Official printed matter, 3Din Bees #39 tied KOPER CAPODISTRIA (date unclear, inside dated 20.12.1950) More pictures: a