Prestamp folded letter, red line hds KOLARE, inside dated 21.12.1852, sent to Beograd, taxed 6pa. Rare item, Kardosch catalogue 12.000 CHF. Photoattest Veličkovič (1997) More pictures: a - b - c - d
CZK 30000
Prestamp military folded letter (1841), oval hds PETER=WARDEIN (= Petrovaradin, Mü. 1112a), sent to Manersdorf; long writing inside More pictures: a - b
CZK 300
PS card 10pa Prince lila P11, KRUŠEVAC 11.10. (= 1883), transit Beograd & Wien arrival More pictures: a
CZK 300
Reply half of PS card 5pa Prince P32 A, BELGRAD 17.5.1892, arrival Budapest Föposta alongside More pictures: a
CZK 300
Reply half of PS card 10pa Prince P48 A, ALEXINATZ 13.8.1897, arrival Wioen alongside More pictures: a
CZK 300
PS card 5pa Arms P58 upr 5pa Prince tied BELGRADE 19.8.1904, sent to Romania, arrival BUCURESCI POSTE RESTANTE alongside. Scarce
CZK 300
PS lettercard 5pa Arms ovpt upr 2* 5pa Arms ovpt tied PARATCHINE 2.8.1903, arrival Brünn, long message inside. Full margins. Superb More pictures: a
CZK 400
Reg cover, 5+30pa King Peter on back tied VALYEVO 22.11.1910, sent to Prague. Nice small cover
CZK 300
WW2 German occupation: Regh cover, 2+12Din Monastery on back tied PETROVGRAD 10.3.1944, airmail to Austria, arrival Wien Inzersdorf
CZK 300
DDSG Frachtgut, BUDAPEST 4.6.1906, Stempelmarke 10f, AkSt D.D.S.G. PANCSOVA More pictures: a
CZK 500
DDSG Frachtgut, UJ-PEST 26.9.1902, Stempelmarke 10f (1898), AkSt PANCSOVA blue. Local stamps 2* 8f + 20f inside More pictures: a - b
CZK 600
Banat/ Serbia: Kl. Faltbrief (1781), Schreibschriftstempel PETERWARDEIN (Mü 1112/A - 150°), nach Pest; kompl. Inhalt, taxiert 4Kr More pictures: a - b
CZK 1500
Serbia Vojvodina: Wertbrief, Ovalstempel BEODRA (rot), Mü. 103a - 90°, Ergo Recepisse, nach Pest; Wachssiegeln rs.; Mgln, selten More pictures: a