Compl reply PS card 4f Crown: Message half upr 3+4f Turul tied BUDAPEST on 17 OCT 1900 sent to Exposition in France, arrival PANTIN; reply half upr 2+5f Turul tied US POSTAL STATION/ PARIS EXPOSITION on 20 OCT, sent to Germany, arrival Annweiler. Superb colorfull item, without text on back More pictures: a
CZK 2000
PS card 5f Crown upr 1+2+25f Turul, SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 27 DEC 1916, sent to Austria. Superb 4 colours franking. 2f Charity stamp
CZK 500
Tauchbootbrief: Umschlag mit 25f Turul, BÁN 15 JAN 1917, nach USA; transit BREMEN/ T.B./ D.O.R. -30.1.1917, 3-zeiliger Zensuriert. Selten, fehlende Rückklappe, günstig angeboten; sold as is More pictures: a
CZK 1200
PS card 8f Crown "Jegyezz…", BUDAPEST 30 AUG 1918, locally. Short paid, 2* 2f Harvesting handstamped PORTO-2
CZK 300
Postal agency: Money order Postautalvány, 25f Kariol & 2f Harvesting used as Fiscal stamp tied STZALONNA on 31 DEC 1918, line hds SZÖLLÖSARDÓI POSTAL ÜGYN, sent to ČSR, arrival Brüx
CZK 400
Early airmail: PS card 8f Crown/ Jegyezz uprated i.e. 1K 50f Repülö Posta, tied BUDAPEST on 17 JUL 1918, arrival Wien on back More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Burgenland: Official Reg cover, postage free, line hds FEKETEVÁROS (= today Austria, Purbach am Neusiedler See), arrival SOPRON 10 NOV 1906; central bend, official seal labels
CZK 600
Cover to Austria, great mixed 5* 2f + 20+40f Harvesting & 2* 15f twice overprinted #296, tied SÜMEG on 11 JUN 1920, local CENSOR SOPRON blue hds & label K.u.K. Zensurstelle Wien
CZK 500
DDSG Commercial cover, mixed 2K & 10+2* 20f tied BUDAPEST 19 FEB 1921, sent to ČSR. Censored
CZK 360
Unusual Reg PPC, good single 5K Parliament tied BUDAPEST JUN 1920, arrival Berlin alongside
CZK 360
Compl Dispatch note for 3 parcels, imprinted fiscal stamp 100K, high franking 2K & 2* 5K Madonna #428-9 ( & 3* 40f on back) tied MAGYAROVAR on 16 FEB 1928, sent to Switzerland More pictures: a
CZK 400
Compl Dispatch note, imprinted fiscal stamp 100K, high franking 2* 2K #428 & 2* 40f tied MAGYAROVAR on 19 FEB 1928, sent to Switzerland
Postcard, meter stamp 2f BUDAPEST 27 MAR 1940/ Exhibition & 20f Anniversary of Admiral Horthy\'s Regency, sent to Slovakia
CZK 250
Lot of 5 WW2 fieldpost cards used 1940-44
CZK 400
Two Hungarian POW cards for prisoners in Italy & Russia, both unused superb
CZK 400
Transylvania: PS card 10f upr 10f Crown tied ERKÖRÖS on 1.8.1941, arrival Déva & redirected Craiova. Censor #6. Central bend More pictures: a
CZK 600
Fieldpost after WW2: Emergency card, original Slovak field card posted at TÁBORI POSTA HIVATAL on 10. AUGUST 1945, censor marking 5.8.45 & IX/2., sent from Fieldpost #V-309 to Nyirtura. Rare More pictures: a
CZK 600
Separatist issue of Western Hungary: Single 2Ft Nyugat Magyarországi felkelők Zóna A & red Skull ovpts #19 tied CZINFALVA on 24 SEP 1921 (= Siegendorf, today Burgenland), arrival Sopron on back. Rare More pictures: a
CZK 3000
Separatist issue of Western Hungary: Patriotic PPC We will not leave you, Western Hungary!, 2* 10f Arms & 2* 20f Pronay #69-70 of Lajtabanát issue tied NAGYSZENTMIHÁLY on 16 NOV 1921 (= Großpetersdorf, today Burgenland), sent to Budapest. Rare More pictures: a
CZK 2500
Ship post: 2 PPC, 5H FJ1908, ship post CATTARO-FIUME/ TENGERI POSTA "A" & "B", used in 1910, two diverse arrival harbour pmk GRAVOSA
CZK 900
Ship post: Cover, on back 2* 5H FJ1908, ship post CATTARO-FIUME/ TENGERI POSTA "A" 30.5.1914, sent to Dalmazia; arrival harbour pmk CATTARO
CZK 400
Ship post: PPC "Split, 5f Turul tied Dampfer CROATIA/ UNGARO-CROATA non 23 JUN 1906, sent to Pola, to board SMS Babenberg; from Split scarce