Advertising: Token with stamp 10c Vittorio, PIRELLI GOME on back
CZK 500
Cover to Yugoslavia, 3* 5L Espresso tied VERONA 12.4.1946, addressed to Italian Partisan Battalion ("Italjanski Partizanski Batalijona"), arrival Zemun. Rare item More pictures: a
CZK 2000
Local issue Campione: Express cover, 0.10 + 0.40Fr City # 0.10Fr Arms (Sass. 2+7+10) tied CAMPIONE D´ITALIA on 25.11.1944, arrival Luzern on back
CZK 500
Venezia Giullia: Austrian 5+10+25H overprinted REGNO d´ITALIA, tied POSTA MILITARE #53 on 23.11.1918, sent to Milano. Light bend More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Holocaust: Express cover from Italy postad at QUERCETTA on 6.2.1941, sent to Gemeinschaftslager Löbau, arrival Wien 15 & 78, delivered by pneumatic post. Interesting More pictures: a
CZK 500
Ship post: PPC Tarantella, 2* 5c Arms tied ship hds REGINA ELENA / PIROSCAFO POSTALE ITALIANO on 2 APR 1904, sent to Mödling
CZK 600
Ship post: Greek pictorial PS card 5L (+ 10L embossed) upr 5L, Corfou/ Statue du General Schulemberg on back, tied CANDIA PIROSCAFO ITALIANO on 13 OCT 1902, arrival pmk Muenchen. Nice item
Libya: PPC "Les mendiants", 15c Vittorio/ LIBIA ovpt tied BENGASI 4.4.1922, ship cachet PIROSCAFO METLAOUI/ GENOVA, sent to Trieste
CZK 500
Ship post: PPC "Souvenir de Smyrne", 25c Vittorio tied POSTA MILITARE #171 on 14.7.1922, violet ship cachet R. VEDETTA G.86
CZK 500
Ship post: PPC, 2* 5c Vittorio tied machine pmk VENEZIA - 30.4.1914/ XI.Esposizione Ind d´Arte, ship hds S.S.VENEZIA/ TRIESTE, sent to USA
CZK 250
Ship post: 2 PPC´s, ship pmks PIROSCAFO/ BARONE EDMONDO VAY, sent from METHIL/ GB on 16.10.1906 & ZOUNGOULDAK/ Turkey - 30.8.1906, sent to Lussinpiccolo
CZK 600
Ship post: PPC Lago di Como, 2* 5c Arms tied COMO-COLICO / MESSAGIERE on 3 JU 1906, to Austria
Ship post: PPC Ship Victoria, 75c tied LLOYD TRIESTINO/ M.N.VICTORIA 24.3.1931, sent to ČSR
CZK 300
Ship post: Commercial cover, 2* 50c Garibaldi + 25c tied rubber ship hds PIROSCAFO DORICO/ Compania Adriatica di Navigazione, sent to Czechia; minor faults
Fieldpost Levant: Reg cover, single 50c Vittorio tied POSTA MILITARE #17 on 25.5.1920, sent to USA. On back transit Torino & arrival Little Rock 23 JUN 1920. Good item, low starting price More pictures: a
CZK 800
Fieldpost Levant: Single 25c Vittorio tied POSTA MILITARE #171 on 22.11.1919, sent from SMYRNA to Germany More pictures: a
CZK 500
Fieldpost: Campo Fabriano: PS card 30c Vittorio upr 1.25L Espresso, POSTA MILITARE #10 - 10.3.1942, sent from Gorizia to Sussa, line censor hds More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Fieldpost: Small cover, mixed 50c + 50c Airmal, both P.M. ovpt tied POSTA MILITARE #65 on 6.9.1943, sent to Viterbo. Full contents, both censored by framed hds STALAG X-B / geprüft. German POW camp located near Sandbostel in Lower Saxony . Unusual item More pictures: a
CZK 600
Football: Pohled z MS v kopané Itálie 1934, vypl. 25+50c Football, ROMA 10.6.1934, do Prahy. Podpis odesilatele J.E.ŠROM, novinář a diplomat. Odesláno ve finálový den 10.6.1934 (Itálie - ČSR 2:1). Zajímavý text o čs. fotbalovém týmu. Mimořádné
CZK 1500
ČSR/ Itálie: MS v kopané 1934, 20+25+50c+1.25L #479-82, ROMA/ VIA LOMBARDIA 10.6.1934. Hlavičková obálka "Hotel Victoria, Roma" ve kterém bydlela čs. výprava, odesláno v den finále MS do ČSR, Moravská Ostrava. Chybí zadní chlopeň, přeloženo; přesto mimořádné More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Football: Pohled z MS v kopané Itálie 1934, vypl. 25c Vittorio, TRIESTE 24.5.1934 (před zahájením MS, 27.5.), podpisy hráčů Čtyřoký, Plánička, Puč, Kalocsay, Košťálek, Kalocsay, Patzel a další; hledané, v okrajích mírně natrženo
CZK 1200
Football: Official PPC FIFA World Championship 1934 (Football), Player with the ball, ** luxus More pictures: a