Kriegsmarine: This somewhat faded photo postcard purports to show the Italian steamer Maria Grazia as she takes her final plunge on June 18, 1915. Although the text of the postcard is of a personal nature and makes no mention of the Maria Grazia (= S.M.Tb. 74T), a later addition in pencil, in Hungarian, identifies the sinking vessel, gives the date, and refers to F. Bilzer’s book on Austro-Hungarian destroyers. EPA SCUTARI 21.7.1917 & negativ Telegraphenstation Scutari (Albania)
CZK 800
Kriegsmarine: Privat-Photo: Crewmembers examine the damages sustained by S.M.Tb.75T during a short firefight with two enemy units on May 23, 1916, WSW of Malamoco, following an air raid on Italy. One man was killed and two were injured. The ship took a hit (the effects of which are visible in the photograph) and her turbine was disabled; she had to be towed back to Pola by S.M. Tb. 99M
CZK 1000
Kriegsmarine: Offiz. Photo-AK Nr. 46 Auslauf des Torpedobootes 76 am Abend der italianischen Kriegserklärung" ; Jubel an Bord, als die S.M.Tb.76T vom Dock in Pola ausläuft, ungelaufen More pictures: a
CZK 500
Kriegsmarine: Privat-Photo: Starboard side view of the bow of S.M. Tb. 76T, moored to a buoy. Only the forward gun is visible. A four-funneled destroyer and a submarine, both unfortunately unidentified, are clearly visible in the background, their crews on deck. Postally unused
CZK 1200
Kriegsmarine: Privat-Photo: S.M.Tb. 78T (background) and 76T are docked side by side in an unidentified port city. Postally unused
CZK 600
Studio photograph of a sailor from S.M.Tb. 78T, 160x80mm. There is no date, but the photograph was taken at the C. Mattiazzi Studio in Sebenico, where the torpedo boat was based most of the war. Studio photographs of torpedo boat crewmembers are not common.
CZK 1000
Kriegsmarine: Photo-AK "S.M.Tb. 81T" (braun), 2-zeiliger K.u.K. MATROSENKORPS & Zensuriert, über MFPA POLA - 8.1.1918 nach Tabor in Böhmen
CZK 700
Photo: All eight of the “T” torpedo boats are lined up at the dock in Pola in this remarkable photograph. S.M.Tb. 80T, 75T, 76T, 77T, 79T, 74T, and 81T are readily identifiable. The writing on the back identifies the commanding officer of S.M.Tb. 81T as Linienschiffkapitän Suprenschić (= Wolfgang Suppantschisch) More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Photo: There are no identifying features visible on the photograph, but a notation on the back states that it depicts “Tboot ‘87’” in rough weather off Antivari in 1916. More pictures: a
CZK 400
Photo: S.M.Tb. 88F is shown docked in the Bocche in 1915. S.M.Tb. 87F is on her starboard side. They are docked in the same location as S.M.Tb. 94 (q.v.) and her sisters. Postally unused More pictures: a
CZK 1600
Two privately made photo postcards, portraits of Enrico Ucussich, postally unused. But one is addressed to himself and signed and dated 9/IV.916, although it has no message and did not go through the mails. Wappenstempel S.M.TBOOT "88F" Kalis/Kohl No. 2 [type DK 3c]. Poor condition More pictures: a
CZK 300
Photo: Five torpedo boats, S.M.Tb. 91F being the last on the right, are getting steam up at their dock in the Bocche.
CZK 1200
Photo: Several torpedo boats are sailing out of port (most likely Pola) or raising steam and preparing to weigh anchor. The three torpedo boats docked side by side are S.M.Tb. 92 (next to the dock), S.M.Tb. 93 (in the middle), and S.M.Tb. 94 (outside). Postally unused
CZK 1000
Photo: Full starboard side view of S.M.Tb. 94 docked next to an unidentified sister ship. Both torpedo boats have their bows pointing out to sea. The photograph must have been taken late in the war as the “T” has been removed from the boat’s identification number. Postally unused
CZK 1200
Photo: Full starboard side view of the former S.M.Tb. 97F sailing under a cloud of heavy black smoke in her postwar incarnation as the Yugoslav torpedo boat T.8 . Posted at ŠIBENIK on 8.11.1931
CZK 300
Photo: S.M.Tb. 97F is sailing at full speed in the company of other ships. Glancing starboard side view. An officer is standing on the bridge and a sailor is by the forward gun. Postally unused
CZK 800
Photo: Starboard side view of S.M.Tb. 98M at sea. Writing on the back identifies the ship. Unused More pictures: a
CZK 600
Photo: At least ten of the most modern k.u.k. Kriegsmarine torpedo boats are docked side by side in Pola in 1917. From left to right they are: 83F, unidentified, 75T, 76T, 78T, 94F, 93F, 100M, 99M, and 98M (the latter identified by the sender on the picture) The postcard was written in 1917 by Ivan Milosević, a seaman on S.M.Tb. 98M, to his brother Mladan Milosević, with Feldkompagnie 23.
CZK 600
Photo: Full portside view of S.M.Tb. 100M at anchor in Pole during a sea trial where she reached a speed of 33.7 knots. Handwritten notePROBEFAHRT and speed information on the back. Unused More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Photo: S.M. Tb 100M sailing with other torpedo boats on August 16, 1916 (shortly after having towed flying boat G-3 to Pola). Identification made from an identical, dated photograph on page 127 of Franz Bilzer’s Die Torpedoboote der k.u.k. Kriegsmarine von 1875-1918. Unused
CZK 750
Photo: S.M. Tb. 100M dated February 18, 1916 (probably even before commissioning, which was a month later), shows a large group of crewmembers hauling supplies on board S.M.Tb. 100M as she lies moored in Cattaro. Unused More pictures: a
CZK 1500
Photo: According to the inscription on the back, it is the British merchant ship London, which was sunk by the S.M.Tb. 100 on 13 January 1916. More pictures: a
CZK 1200
Vordruck-Karte S.M.S. Erz.Friedrich, Tagesstempel ERZHERZOG FRIEDRICH 7.12.1914, über MFPA Pola nach Prag
CZK 400
Madagascar: PPC "Diego Suarez/ Femmes Malgaches", 2* 2c & 1+5c Allegory tied blue DIEGO SUAREZ, sent by known Günther Ritter v. Straub on board of S.M.S ZENTA to Austrian war port in Dalmatia. Transit ship REUNION a MARSEILLE / L.V. No. 2 - 6 DEC 1902, arrival Pola. Addressed to known Franz Pitzinger, K.u.K. Schiffbau-Ingenieur. He had significant design responsibilities for the Erzherzog Karl-class battleships and the Radetzky-class battleships. He led the design of the Ersatz Monarch-class battleships. In 1914 he was promoted to Naval Constructor General. More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Brazil: PPC "Bahia", 5* 20Rs Mountain tied BAHIA 2 JUL 1900, sent to Austrian Marine-Akademie in Fiume & redirected, arrival WIEN 1.8.1900. Sent by Mr Hofmann on board of S.M.S ZENTA. Addressed to known Franz Pitzinger, K.u.K. Schiffbau-Ingenieur. He had significant design responsibilities for the Erzherzog Karl-class battleships and the Radetzky-class battleships. He led the design of the Ersatz Monarch-class battleships. In 1914 he was promoted to Naval Constructor General.