Italy: PPC Ship Victoria, 75c tied LLOYD TRIESTINO/ M.N.VICTORIA 24.3.1931, sent to ÄŒSR
CZK 300
Italy: Commercial cover, 2* 50c Garibaldi + 25c tied rubber ship hds PIROSCAFO DORICO/ Compania Adriatica di Navigazione, sent to Czechia; minor faults
CZK 300
Romania: Cover to France, 6L King tied unclear CURSA -2, on back arrival Marseille 19.11.1923 & ship hds PIROSCAFO METLAOUI/ Genova. Some faults
CZK 800
Japan: Chinese PS card 2c Junk tied Japanese machine pmk SHIMONOSEKI PAQUEBOT in 1930, sent to Japan, Irihan City. Seldom seen More pictures: a
Italy/ Libya: PPC "Les mendiants", 15c Vittorio/ LIBIA ovpt tied BENGASI 4.4.1922, ship cachet PIROSCAFO METLAOUI/ GENOVA, sent to Trieste
CZK 500
USA: Spec cover U.S.S. Honolulu, mixed 1+2+3c Army Issue tied U.S.S. OAHU on 15 JUN 1938/ WUHU CHINA (= a Yangtze River gunboat), sent to San Diego; cover 3 sides opened, attractiv