Brazil: PSE 100Rs Head 100+200Rs tied triangle PORTO ALEGRE 28 NOV 1928, sent to Swiss; faults, backflap missing
CZK 180
Brazil: Cover to Germany, 2* 2.000Rs SERVICO AEREO ovpt + 500Rs tied SAO PAULO 2.7.1929 More pictures: a
CZK 440
Brazil: PPC "Airmail lines", mixed 1.000Rs Airmail & 2* 100Rs tied RIO DE JANEIRO - 25 JAN 1929, airmail to Argentina, framed LINHAS C.G.A.
CZK 400
Brazil: Reg cover, mixed 100th Anniversary of Independence & Definitive, posted on 20 MAR 1923, sent to Finland. Unusual destination,. Arrival Helsinki on back More pictures: a
CZK 500
Brazil: Condor cover, 2000Rs Condor + 500Rs, BLUMENAU 28 JUL & arrival FLORIANOPOLIS on 30 JUL 1929, "M.P.", sent to Germany More pictures: a
CZK 300
Braziil: Two 1st flights Condor covers attract mixed franking, tied RIO DE JANEIRO 28 AGO 1930 (Brazil-Bolivia) & M.GROSSO 16.9.1930 (Corumbá-Cuyabá). Superb More pictures: a
CZK 500
Brazil: Condor cover, great mixed 2* 300Rs & 2* 700Rs Visit of Cardinal Pacelli to Rio de Janeiro ( two tête-bêche pairs !!) #413-4, sent from Recife to Germany, arrival Görlitz 19.12.1934 More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Brazil: Commercial cover, 700Rs & 3.500Rs Airmail, D.FEDERAL 29.8.1935, Condor cachet, sent to Austria, arrival Wien 2.8.1935 (error in month) More pictures: a
CZK 300
Brazil: Pictorial cover PANAIR to USA, mixed franking tied SAO PAULO 5.7.1931, transit Panair on back More pictures: a
CZK 240
Brazil: Aeropostale cover, mixed franking, RIO DE JANEIRO 12 NOV 1932, sent to France, Paris arrival More pictures: a
CZK 240
Brazil: Commercial cover, 2* 300Rs Revolutionaries + 100Rs tied ALEGRE 15.12.1932, sent to Swiss
CZK 240
Brazil: Airmail cover sent to GB, posted SAO PAULO 9.10.1934, via Condor Lufthansa, transit Stuttgart More pictures: a
CZK 440
Brazil: Airmail cover sent to Swiss, good mixed Airmail - The 5th Anniversary of the New Constitution (ovpt 1942) & 220Rs Airmail tied SERVICIO AEREO 26 AGO 1947. Scarce More pictures: a
CZK 360
Cambodge: Two PPCs sent in 1964-65 to Czechoslovakia, seldom seen
CZK 300
Cambodge: Commercial cover to Austria, PHNOM-PENH 17.12.1970 & 4-lines censor hds REPUBLIQUE KHMERE/ Agresse par Imperialistes Vietcong et Nord-Vietnamens
CZK 360
Colombia: Very small handmade cover, 10c Arms brown #105 diagonally bisected as 5c local tarif, tied by oval RIO HACHA FRANCA & RIO HACHA/ AGENCIA POSTAL. Superb More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Colombia: Commercial cover, single 10c Arms tied HONDA on 16 JUN 1897, French ship COLON a BORDEAUX / L.D. No. 3 (blue), sent to Germany, Köln arrival More pictures: a
CZK 1000
Colombia: Airmail cover, mixed 5+10c Scadta & two next tied red BUCARAMANGA 26.3.1919, arrival Puerto Wilches on back More pictures: a
CZK 600
Colombia: Commerc cover, mixed 50+10c Scadta & 8c Arms tied BOGOTA 15.6.1931, FFC Colombia-USA, arrival Paris; faults More pictures: a
CZK 400
Costa Rica: PS card 2c Portrait tied SAN JOSE on 15 AGO 1886, sent to Germany, transit New Orleans, arrival Berlin, on back transit NY & long message More pictures: a
CZK 600
Costa Rica: PSE 10c Arms posted at PONTARENAS, blue SAN JOSE 18 AGO 1897, sent to Germany. Transit NY & New Orleands, arrival Berlin on back
CZK 600
Costa Rica: PS card 3c Numeral posted at PUNTARENAS, sent to Germany, transit New Orleans 5 APR 1893, NY & arrival Hamburg. Long message More pictures: a
CZK 360
Costa Rica: PS card 3c Numeral tied blue SAN JOSE 17 DIC 1897, sent to Sweden, transit New Orleans & Stockholm arrival. Unusual destination, long message More pictures: a
CZK 440
Costa Rica: PS card 3c Numeral tied blue SAN JOSE 12 AGO 1899, sent to Brazil, transit New Orleans & Rio de Janeiro arrival. Long message More pictures: a
CZK 440
Costa Rica: PS card 3c Numeral tied blue PUNTARENAS 21 ENE 1902, sent to Mexico, arrival Mazatlan